Baby goods

Clothing, bedding and towels

Babies grow fast, rapidly outgrowing the clothes one has only just bought for them! It makes financial as well as environmental sense to pass on clothes that no longer fit to other families, or to charity shops, and to buy second-hand.

Because babies have delicate, sensitive skins, many parents prefer to choose fabrics which have not been treated with chemicals, or grown using pesticides, and a large range of children’s clothes made from organic cotton and wool is now available. Some companies also stock fairtrade baby clothes, where the people making the products have been paid a fair price for their work and provided with reasonable conditions in which to work. Cut4Cloth supply organic baby clothes specially tailored to fit over bulky cloth nappies.

For the same reason that they prefer organic cotton and wool clothes many parents also choose organic for bedding and towels and, again, quite a number of suppliers stock these items. Many of the companies who specialise in organic products for the home also sell items for babies and young children, as do many of the specialist baby product suppliers.


There is an enormous range of cleansing products and toiletries, soaps, shampoos, oils and lotions specially formulated for the delicate skin of babies and young children. Most of the companies listed under baby product suppliers stock some, some supermarkets may stock them or view the list of retailers for the Earthfriendly Baby range.

Other baby products

If you are shopping for a baby you will find lots of other products which are considered ‘essential’. Cots, pushchairs, prams, changing tables, feeding bottles and dishes, and a whole host of other accessories. Many of the baby product suppliers include these in their catalogues


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